Blue Hills Cycling Club

Road Cycling, Mountain Biking, Cyclocross & Triathlon In Greater Boston


General Guideline: Do not participate in a BHCC ride if you are ill, symptomatic or had recent
exposure to a person with possible contagious illness or if guidelines or rules require or suggest
isolation or quarantine. If you cannot agree, do not ride in a group as you endanger yourself
and all other riders.

Vaccinations: At this time it is strongly encouraged that you participate in BHCC group rides
only if you are fully vaccinated. We realize that this may preclude some club members from
active participation for some time, but we remain hopeful that it is a short amount of time
before all members are vaccinated and the risk of COVID spread is diminished.

Physical Distancing: In keeping with Massachusetts guidelines, you must maintain physical
distance while outdoors. This will be required for group rides at the start/end, during or while
stopped for any reason during the ride. Physical distance guidelines require individuals to
maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from other people.

Masks: Masks will be required only when stopped and physical distancing is not possible. This
may include the start/end of group rides or while stopped for any reason during the ride. If you
are able to maintain a physical distance of 6 feet apart then you will not be required to wear a
mask. Keep in mind that some Massachusetts cities and towns still require masks at all times
and those rules must be followed. Of course, anyone should feel comfortable wearing a mask at
any time if they choose.

Pacelines and Drafting: Riding behind and alongside other group riders will be allowed as long
as physical distancing guidelines are followed. This includes front-to-back and side-to-side.

Hygiene: When coughing, spitting, nose blowing and sneezing please take every appropriate
precaution possible to protect those around you (e.g. move to the back of the group, cover your
mouth, etc.). Do not share water bottles or food.

Group Size: For the time being, the maximum number of riders in a single group will be 10.

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Theme by Anders Norén